Monday, August 31, 2009

Glass Jaw takes the win trip 7's on the turn

Some clasic head to head play here for River and Glass Jaw. Glass Jaw making a set on the turn held up well against Rivers unsuited over cards. Not on the River this time fella - your luck has run dry tonight.

There were plenty of chips on the table tonight with the lead moving around a few times. Still seven seats full until late in the game when the "Poker Barron" calls "J-Rod" all in and gets shafted.

"River" playing the home table advantage won a few one the river, so he was true to form. As expected the "Turkish Terror" was playing his "A-Anything" - but all in on A 2 just would not cut it against the "Rivers" made hand.

Glass Jaw then made short work of "Kurac" - and we then had our first dealer for the night. Next up was "Cptn. Scuzzie" - raised hard in an early position. River called. Then flopped a J 10 2 pair - so pushed all in(12k+). "River" calls drawing a king high straight and a flush ... you guessed it - he makes the straight/flush on the river. Crushed!

"J-Rod" put up a good fight and played some loose cards to get back into the game. But as the blinds went up "J-Rod" felt he had to make a move and pushed all in on nothing and was called.

Head to head play started after we chipped out all the small stuff and the "River" eased springs. The power moved "Rivers" way after he made AA on the turn against "Glass Jaws" pocket 10's. But "Glass Jaw" still well stacked managed to pull it all back for the win. Nice work.

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