Thursday, April 2, 2020

The "Big Scum" takes out the First up - LOCK DOWN POKER session

As expected a weeks warning was not enough to get the aging CPT members signed in and setup on the technology, Gold stars go to Nick the River and Korutz, for getting in early and figuring it all out (Korutz - Gold star removed for the no show!! Had to go see his Mum). We managed to get 6 around the table with a number onlookers who missed the 10min cut-off. Rhys the "Gold-Fish" O'Cain dropped in breifly but was denied entry to, so departed at the same rate. Wade/Lisa watched on as they cooked focaccia bread and chicken broth.
Seated at the table were new comers Sean "" Perry and Ben "Pokes", who both fancy them selves as players. They joined the old guard David "Cossie Aegyptus" Cosgrove , "Big Scum" and AB the "Poker Baroni".

The stakes were high ($20k play money) with a total prize pool of $102,000 to be split over the top 15%  - 1st $71,400 and second $30,600. This trial first round was set to be a doozy!

After hovering around the $20k mark for the lion share of the game - "Big Scum" managed to clear out and the always dangerous "Cossie" to take out the Session WIN!!! So how did it play out ...

Game play was 3hrs 15 min. Blinds made level 10 (upping every 20min). taking an early lead at around 37min taking a chuck out of the stacks of Poker Baroni and Ben Pokes, sending him on a slippery skid to bottom of the table. Until 1:39 Ben Pokes turned the table on the River (6) and sent him spiraling out out of the game. Soon the Poker Baroni (5) felt the strike back from a slowly declining Cossie and was out at the 2hr mark. Next to go was Ben Pokes (4) suffering a deadly blow from the Big Scum - who was now chipped up and ready to take on the stack leaders "Cossie" and Shit got real with the silent one at about 3hrs, he was bleeding out and need to make a move, which did not end well sending "Cossie"(3) home - with not even as much as a FFS for the gathering crowd. Leaving just the to go head to head with the now dominant Big Scum. A few all in bets, pre-flop later and it was all over. The Big Scum rises victorious.

Poker Baroni takes out an early hand
"Poker Baroni" takes out an early hand with some paired ladies.