Sunday, May 3, 2020

Game #5 - Sunday 19th April - WadeRalph top dog

Hanging in for the head-to-head, WadeRalph takes out the session with a
WadeRalph celebrates his win

Second to last hand Big Scum has a full boat A's full of pocket 3's

WadeRalph nudges ahead with his pocket 7's

New Players in tonight's game - welcoming the Boozyaid, Grummmble, BBQ Godfather and DirtyKiwi.

Korutz takes takes an early hand with 10's full of 5's - beating a double set of bullets from Scum and Hu$tler.

  • Korutz1 wins pot (7,350) with a full house, Kings full of Aces against WadeRalph with three of a kind, Tens.
  • WadeRalph wins pot (64,750) with a straight, Five to Nine.
  • Big Scum90 wins pot (25,920) with a pair of Aces - Queen kicker
  • Grummmble wins main pot (26,304) with a pair of Fives
  • Big Scum90 wins pot (25,920) with a pair of Aces - Queen kicker
  • WadeRalph wins pot (31,620) with two pair, Aces and Threes

Korutz1 finished the tournament in 6th place

Some other notable big hands with the largest of the night going to Big scum with a Pot of 185,668.

  • tree hu$tler wins pot (124,390) with a flush, Ace high
  • Grummmble wins pot (114,275) with three of a kind, Nines
  • Big Scum90 wins pot (185,668) with a pair of Nines

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Game #4 - Wednesday 15th April - Chip leader Big Scum

Some Technical issues hampered the start of Game #4, with a server re-start planned for 10pm - not being able to setup a tournament Game, we played 4 up on the Warm-up table. With the winner to be determined at the time of the server shutdown.

Some fast action plays and a few rebuy's - Scum ended the session on top with 41,010 in chips @9:58pm, beating Tree Hu$tler, and BenPokes.

Big Scum - Winner Game#4 - last man standing!

Big Scum90 - last man seated at server shut-down holding 41,010 in chips after beating 3 opponents.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Game #3 - Sunday 12th April - tree, tree ... 1,2,3 "Hu$tler"'s got some Bullets to see!

Game #3 of the CPT LDP was shaping up to be a cracker with last minute registrations before the game got underway, bugger the "God Father" of the CPT did not make it in on time.

Taking a seat at the table for the first time this season was the mighty "Jrod", after figuring out how to get it loaded on a Mac for the first time. 

Blinds were set at 10min intervals with the aim to get things moving, new for this game was the "add-on" option and re-buy's. Which we'll figure out as we go ...
CPT LDP Game #3 Winner - tree hu$tler 

CPT - LOCK DOWN POKER: Game #3 - Sunday 12th April - Results
1) tree hu$tler Winner
2) WadeRalph (4:13)
3) Jrod896 (1x add-on 3:54)
4) Big Scum90 (1x add-on 3:38)
5)  (2:33)
6) River1066 (2:03)
7) Benpokes90 (1:13)
8) Korutz1 (1:10)

Game Breakdown
Jrod out of the blocks early, plenty of sets in the early play, with BigScum and tree hu$tler seeing consecutive trip 5's and trip 6's respectively.
tree hu$tler takes an early hand with set of 6's
Trying to build early stacks the hu$tler and Sloppy both try some all in action in an attempt to double up or bounce before the re-buy cut-off. During the break Jrod and Scum took the add-on action, mostly by accident, 17,000 from your account gets you 30,000 in the game.

The blinds were barely at 60/120 and we had our first casualty, Korutz gets called in by the River sitting on a couple of "Cowboys" - so the ladies has no chance.
River takes down Korutz who was all in with the "Ladies". (1:10)
It was not long before Benpokes bows out after going all in against Jrod with a flopped pair of 8's vs Jrods flopped Q pair. 
Benpokes 8's and King kicker - no match for Jrods ladies (1:13)
Soon the bullets come into play, with some some heavy pre-flop action resulting in tree hu$tler and Jrod both All in on a $62k pot. Advantage Hu$tler with pocket AA's (80.7%) vs Jrod's pocket 10's(19.3%). The Hu$tler doubles up!
Hu$tler doubles up on pocket Bullets vs Jrods Pocket 10's.
Next to suffer at the hand of the Hu$tler was the River pushing all in after flopping a pair of kings with a jack kicker, little did he know the Hu$tler has flopped 2 pair, so happily called.
Needing a jack that never came, Hu$tler 2 pair K's and 9's (79.4%) has the better odds over River with KJ (20.6%). Nothing on the turn or river today for the exiting River.
tree hu$tler big stacking after selling the River - down the river (2:03) had a slow decline before dropping out at level 16 (2:33) with the blinds now at 400/800. Not making the head-to-head as he has on other occasions.

Big Scum's decline started with a loose bet against Wade pre-flop. With 48k on the table and pocket Q's, odds were very much against Scummo when Wade flops a set, and doubles up. Leaving the big scum at the bottom of the chip count. With the blinds at 1000/2000, the bullets come into play again with BigScum feeling pretty good, all-in with pocket K's, only to be outdone by Wade holding pocket A's and no joy in the community cards!
BigScum's "Cowboys" taken down by "Bullets" from Wade "Meat hooks" Lewis (3:38)
Next to drop was the previously massive Jrod, hanging in there early on and rising from zero to hero, then eroding away. With pocked 9's and looking to double up he pushes all-in pre-flop, with 120k on the table, the hu$tler can't resist - calling to reveal ... the "Bullets", yet again! Sealing it with set on the River the hu$tler takes Jrod out of the game. Taking 34k in play money - nice one Jrod.
Jrod exits with pocket 9's - facing the hu$tler making a set of A's on the river (3:54)
Left at the table we have the hu$tler (143k) and Wade "meat hooks" lewis (71k), taunting the hu$tler with his slow cooking beef cheeks. Quickly taking the chip lead as hu$tler calls all the way to the river on 107k pot - with no match for Wade A high straight.

With the blinds up (1800/3600) and ante 450, the Hu$tler was finally able to take the wind from Wade's sails with the final hand seeing the "Bullets" coming back into play. Pre-flop action starts with a raise (7,200) from the hu$tler who was dealer and little blind. Wade pushed all-in, needing to double-up and the hu$tler calls. Hands reveal Wade with pocket "Ladies" (72.1%) vs the hu$tler holding A7 (27.9%) - the hu$tler then catches a set of A's on the flop and seals the deal with a full boat Aces full of Jacks. Wade exits with 51,000 chips and the hu$tler takes the win with 85k in chips.
Wade's "Ladies" miss with the hu$tler saliling off with a full boat - Aces full of Jacks (4:13)
Final Chip Graph - Wade takes out Scum and Jrod - then the Hu$ler seals the deal (4:13)

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Game #2 - Wednesday 8th April - The "Trees" have it!

After a staggered start - Barron has it, after having all 3 of his accounts locked-out, sloppy quickly hustles him up a login, so he can join the late starting game. The Big Scum taking a few early hands and dropping Korutz and the Tree Hu$tler down a few pegs.  Korutz hang in there with a couple of  glam hands.

Korutz takes a hand of sloppy to double-up!

An uneventful head to head, at times it seemed Tree Hu$ler was flushing money away, with Sloppy bouncing back several times.
Sloppy flush - does well to push Tree Hu$tler off the pot.

After some unsuccessful taunts from onlookers Koruts and The Big Scum - We finally all-in pre-flop with Sloppy sitting on KS QC and Tree Hu$tler holding AD, 3C. The flop comes down 5S AC 5C and immediately swings in the Tree's direction with 94.3% to 5.7$. With a 6S and 2C nothing changes for Sloppy and he's out. The with and WTA $85,000 goes to Tree Hu$tler.

Final hand - Sloppy's luck runs out.

CPT #2 - Chip graph and final standings.

Game #1 - Sunday 5th April - Sloppy firsts for Sean Perry A.K.A ""

Sloppy as muff, drops Korutz - as he bets over the pot $3k after seeing a QD,KS,7C, way too hot for the Baroni, leaving it to Sloppy - raise $6k, Korutz re-raise $9k - this shit getting real. Sloppy calls and we see the JH on the turn. Korutz likes what he sees, and is All-in $20K and change. Pot now at $41k. Sloppy to act .... Sloppy calls to reveal pocket 7's - giving trip-7s vs pair K's. Pocketing $61.5k.

Korutz out at after All-in call against trip 7s from Sloppy!

Just 3min later the head to head hit climax with the Hot Baroni short stacked on $16.5k against Sloppy sitting on $102k. After a small pre-flop raise from Sloppy, the Hot Baroni pushes All-in. Sloppy calls. Sloppy AH,5D (58.2%) and Hot Baroni 9H,QS(41.8%). Sloppy flops an A pair, and the odds swing heavily in his direction at 94%. We see 10C on the turn, giving Hot Baroni a glimmer of hope at 18.2% - looking for the straight. But the river seals it for Sloppy finishing with 2 pair Ace's over eights.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

The "Big Scum" takes out the First up - LOCK DOWN POKER session

As expected a weeks warning was not enough to get the aging CPT members signed in and setup on the technology, Gold stars go to Nick the River and Korutz, for getting in early and figuring it all out (Korutz - Gold star removed for the no show!! Had to go see his Mum). We managed to get 6 around the table with a number onlookers who missed the 10min cut-off. Rhys the "Gold-Fish" O'Cain dropped in breifly but was denied entry to, so departed at the same rate. Wade/Lisa watched on as they cooked focaccia bread and chicken broth.
Seated at the table were new comers Sean "" Perry and Ben "Pokes", who both fancy them selves as players. They joined the old guard David "Cossie Aegyptus" Cosgrove , "Big Scum" and AB the "Poker Baroni".

The stakes were high ($20k play money) with a total prize pool of $102,000 to be split over the top 15%  - 1st $71,400 and second $30,600. This trial first round was set to be a doozy!

After hovering around the $20k mark for the lion share of the game - "Big Scum" managed to clear out and the always dangerous "Cossie" to take out the Session WIN!!! So how did it play out ...

Game play was 3hrs 15 min. Blinds made level 10 (upping every 20min). taking an early lead at around 37min taking a chuck out of the stacks of Poker Baroni and Ben Pokes, sending him on a slippery skid to bottom of the table. Until 1:39 Ben Pokes turned the table on the River (6) and sent him spiraling out out of the game. Soon the Poker Baroni (5) felt the strike back from a slowly declining Cossie and was out at the 2hr mark. Next to go was Ben Pokes (4) suffering a deadly blow from the Big Scum - who was now chipped up and ready to take on the stack leaders "Cossie" and Shit got real with the silent one at about 3hrs, he was bleeding out and need to make a move, which did not end well sending "Cossie"(3) home - with not even as much as a FFS for the gathering crowd. Leaving just the to go head to head with the now dominant Big Scum. A few all in bets, pre-flop later and it was all over. The Big Scum rises victorious.

Poker Baroni takes out an early hand
"Poker Baroni" takes out an early hand with some paired ladies.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

CPT - C19 LOCK DOWN POKER sessions

We are getting the CPT back together and setting up some LOCK DOWN POKER sessions. AB and I had a dry run tonight and it was all Good ...

You will need ...

A Computer with installed .... internet access (or tablet?)
Setup a username/login ... (If you don't already have one.... Cossie!!!)
Set of headphones and a mic if you want to join the banter on skype (we'll have some group chat going).

We'll look at some sort of cash entry TBC (or maybe just use the local chips ... ) - AB is in charge on Money!!!!

Download the free PokerStars software from

  • Open the main poker lobby, then click on the Home Games tab.
  • Click the 'Join a Poker Club' button
  • Enter my Club ID number: 3269651
  • Enter my Invitation Code: LOCK DOWN POKER

That's it! Once AB or I approved your membership request, we'll be ready to start playing.

No Dick heads !